الاطاريح والرسائل لفرع الصحة العامة

الاطاريح والرسائل لفرع الصحة العامة

نوع الدراسة

عنوان الرسالة

اسم الطالب


The bacteriological and physicochemical characteristics that effect the milk quality in Basrah

سمر سعيد غازي


Detection of Antibiotic Resistance Genes For Gram Negative Bacteria Isolated From Chicken Slaughter in Basrah Province Markets

زينب عبد الحسين سعود


Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in Meat and Minced Meat in Basrah City

بتول علي مجيد


Study the Bacterial Contamination of Raw Milk with Special Regard on Methicillin Resistance Gene (mecA) in Staphylococci

رنا هاشم عدلان


Seroprevalence of Bovine Brucellosis and its insider human in The-Qar province

ازهار قاسم ذياب



The Effective of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Biosynthesized from Pomegranate Peels Extract as a Preservative of the Refrigerator Chicken Meat

رنا هاشم عدلان


Effect of probiotic on some productive and physiological traits of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)

نور علي صياح


Effect of Supplementing Spirulina and 

Probiotic and their Mixture on the Productive

and Physiological Performance of 

Japanese Quail

روئ داود سلمان